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Nutritional Therapy

Nutritional Therapy uses real food in a holistic and bio-individual way to achieve and support whole body health. Our society has become overly dependent on using medications, surgeries, and extreme protocols to treat every kind of ailment, while often neglecting one of the most basic foundations of good health- nutrient dense food.


An imbalanced diet can cause dangerous swings in blood sugar, a disrupted microbiome, and systemic inflammation- key factors linked to everything from autoimmune disorders to diabetes and heart disease. Unfortunately the Standard American Diet often promotes these health problems by being overloaded with refined sugar, pesticides, and processed ingredients that lack real nutrition

What does "bio-individual" mean?

Nutritional Therapy does not adhere to any one kind of diet. People's lifestyle, upbringing, activity level, stress level, goals and genetics all influence their unique nutritional needs, and there should never be a one size fits all approach. When you work with a Nutritional Therapist, you can expect all these factors and more to be taken into account to develop a specifically tailored program.

Is Nutritional Therapy right for me?

Nutritional Therapy is ideal for improving and supporting blood sugar regulation, digestive health, hormone health, inflammation, energy levels, healthy weight, and mental clarity.


If you are dealing with a more severe medical issue, such as cancer, heart disease, or a neurological disorder, please reach out to discuss if this method is appropriate for your specific needs.

Good to Know-

An initial program is 6 weeks long and includes weekly consultations, tailored meal plans, and supplement recommendations (if appropriate). A variety of topics are covered including macronutrients, stress management, and supporting a strong parasympathetic nervous system. While Nutritional Therapy is wonderful for supporting healthy weight loss, you will never be asked to severely restrict calories or cut out food groups. This is not a diet plan, it is a sustainable way of nourishing yourself well.


Reach out to Sarah for a complimentary 15 minute consult to see if Nutritional Therapy is a good fit for your unique goals.


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